Tuesday, November 16, 2010

British actresses

I know it might sound silly, but i love almost everything british, especially the actresses that come from thei that are my favorites.
 To be continue
Emily Blunt                 Gemma Arterton         Keira Knightley


These ar some of my friends who graduated this summer. I miss them so. Their names are Robin, Erin, Katlen, Kayla, & KAyla. They were very terific dancers.

Dance Academy of Pampa

The Dance Academy of Pampa is were i take dance class. My mother Deanna McGill is the owner and director of the academy.

This is a picture of some of the main dancers. theres me sitting on  the ground in the red dress. This was just after we saw the LSB (Lone Star Ballet) Cinderella performance in Amarillo last spring. The next photo is group of me and my fellow dancers at LSB's Nutcracker ballet last december.

Here is a photo from the pampa nutcracker program. I have performed in the nutcracker since i was 6 months old. In 2009 i had the pleasure of playing the mechanical doll  for the second time.


RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts) is a drama school in London, England.
Many actors have taken courses their and went their for school. Actors like Emma Watson (Harry Potter), Ben Whishaw (Bright Star), Alan Rickman (HArry Potter), Kenneth Branagh (Frankenstien), Gemma Arterton (Clash of the Titans), and many more wonderful actors we watch in movies and on TV today. I hope on day that i will be able to visit there and take some acting courses.


Thriller, the Micheal Jackson classic. On November 11 at the middle school variety show the drama club performed the triller dance. I was included in this dance as a dead prisoner. This was the first event of the show. I thought it went well until the end of the dance when they cut the music off to soon. It was fun to do everyone in the dance got there an hour early so we could put on the make-up & costumes. First we had to put on white clown base, then black around our eyes, wea also had to put green stbbles on our faces and we practically poured fake blood on ourselves.

Keira Knightley Films

The Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)-(2006)-(2007) as Elizabeth Swann

Pride & Prejudice (2005) as Elizabeth Bennet

Atonment (2007) as Celia

The Duchess (2008) as The Duchess Georgiana

Jane Eyre 2011

I can't wait to see JAne Eyre. I loved the book & the mini-series so i accpect to love this new darker version of the classic story. Starring Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) as Jane Eyre. 

Bright Star

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.

John Keats
 Our town a play by Thorton Wilder. On November 8th & 9th PJHS & PHS Theatre deapartments performed this play. In this play i was one of the main stage hands back stage. You would think it would be but it was not it was so tressing because the stage manager was on the other side of the stage and The directors, Ms. Back & Ms. Telesford were watching the play from the audience. Oh and everyone on my side just diecided to switch jobs with everyone and so that meant no one knew what they were doing except for me and my friend Olivia. I was so happy after the show was over.

Dracula Ballet

On OCtober 24, 2010 i went to go see LSB (Lone Star Ballet) Dracula.
It was a very good ballet. The dancing was great the scenory was awsome, but the acting could be better. But over all it was great especially for halloween. While i was their i saw one of my dance friends Amy Kotara with her husband Dan. They sat a row in front of me and my mom.


Hello im Dacie JEanne McGill and welcome to my blog